09 Oct LawNet members put in peak performance

The LawNet Extreme Challenge team at the top of Scafell Peak, the second peak in their 24 hour challenge
LawNet members have been hitting new heights in the past few weeks.
But it’s not the latest legal hotlist where they have been showing their prowess this time, instead they’ve been raising money for charity, by conquering no less than nine challenging mountain peaks across the country.
First, 67 brave-hearted hikers from member firms across the country, took part in the Six Peaks Challenge in the Lake District, facing high winds as they ascended to 5800 feet, in a 14 mile trek, which saw the first home arriving in well under 8 hours.
And just one month later, nine of the walkers set out on an even bigger challenge – to tackle the national Three Peaks Challenge, scaling over 11,000 feet by ascending Snowdon in Wales, Scafell Pike in the Lake District and Ben Nevis in Scotland in less than 24 hours. The first team members made it in just 23 hours and 5 minutes, with all of the team successfully completing within the 24 hour window.
So far, almost £6,000 has been raised by the challenges, as part of LawNet’s ‘Challenge25’ raising money for Marie Curie, Midlands Air Ambulance and NSPCC to mark the network’s 25th anniversary.
“Conditions can change in an instant on the mountainside, and unpredictable weather coupled with the challenge of walking in pitch black on Ben Nevis, our last peak, certainly proved to be one of the toughest elements of a very trying, yet satisfying 24 hours for our extreme Three Peaks Challenge” said George Coombes, LawNet’s marketing & services manager, who organises the annual challenge for the 67-strong membership of independent firms. Previous events have included the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge and Striding Edge to Helvellyn.
Each of the challenges is overseen by a support team of mountaineering experts, although the next challenge on the agenda is more likely to demand the services of a professional diver, as a team of head office LawNet staff will be taking on the Winter Wolf Run in November, a 10k multi-terrain assault course with ice cold lakes, muddy forests and other energy-zapping obstacles.
LawNet chief executive Chris Marston added: “It’s great to see the determination and enthusiasm of the members taking part and I’m looking forward to watching from the sidelines when the LawNet team face up to the Wolf Run next month.”
To support their Challenge, visit the JustGiving page: http://bit.ly/1xkYvfd
Extreme Challenge Team Members on Scafell Pike, the second peak of the day (left to right):
Peter Greenlees of DNA Design, George Coombes of LawNet, James Couzens of Parrott & Coales LLP Brendan Rimmer of Sherwood Solicitors, Michael Frape of Ashton KCJ, Kirstie Johnson of Lamb Brooks LLP, Carolyn Snellgrove and Claire Hughes of Gamlins and Rhodri Roberts of Cullimore Dutton.
Gallery at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/lawnet/
For further information, please contact:
Press information:
Maggie Taylor, Prima PR & Marketing, Direct line: 01400 251557 Mobile: 0797 3767602 Email: maggie@primapr.co.uk
Helen Hamilton-Shaw, Director of Services, LawNet, Direct line: 01926 834622 Email: hhamilton-shaw@lawnet.co.uk
Notes to Editor:
About LawNet
LawNet was established in 1989 to enable a collaborative, non-competing national network where independent law firms could access big firm resources and benefit from collective purchasing, shared knowledge, best practice and expertise.
All members share a commitment to excellence and must achieve and maintain LawNet’s own ISO.9001 standard and the associated Mark of Excellence in client service.
The combined income of the 64 firms comprising LawNet is currently in excess of £250m – equivalent to a UK Top 15 law firm – with members ranging from £2m to £20m turnover.
Independent research shows LawNet is most highly valued by members for delivering in six key areas – training, networking, PII, practice development, marketing and compliance. It currently places some £1.2bn worth of PI cover alone for members each year, which helps stabilise premiums for firms.
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